the kingdom of tada!
Are you willing to look at life a different way? What will you risk in order to see the big picture?

ollie, ollie, oxen free
When life screams, "ready or not, here i come!" do you run? where do you hide?

chaos and becoming sound
When masculine and feminine are in tune, all the elements come together in infinite possibilities of unity.

joy to the world!
What is awakening in you? Let us meet in the ground of infinite play & possibility.

i’m gone. so long!
What happens when you step out of the thought of who or what you think you are?

lost and found in the wisdom of confusion
All spiritual paths are about the journey from being lost to being found. Have you ever been lost ... and how were you found?

stepping out and walking on water
“When i think of miracles, i think of my grandmother's esoteric stories - the hushed whisper of her voice and the shadows on her face.”

catching redfish
There is a stillness that has come to take me from the lie that plays inside my head.

i will meet you there
“Out beyond the ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field. I will meet you there." ~ Rumi

skipping stones
"What you think you become - what you believe you attract - what you imagine you create." ~ Buddha

the alchemist: potions & possessions
You are an alchemist - mixing elements, changing form, altering all experience and returning to your true self.

being spacious
It's not easy to describe the indescribable … this space of quietude that rises from within. But we all know it,
we've all tasted it before. This is our ‘original state’.

come together: the story of ‘we’
Freedom is a song of generosity, morality and mindfulness - a coming together of experience. It's the story of our journey and accord with life.

finding nemo: when boys become men
Who are the men that surround you, and what does the boy that still resides within them inspire in you?

the space between
There is more beyond what your mind believes: you can feel it in your gut, you exude it in your heart — you discover it in being fully alive.

my mother’s hands
Somewhere between there and here, I started to look like her – I started to speak like her and my mannerisms were hers, all along so very different.

oh! sweet surrender!
YOU are the universe, looking through this lens - this body, these beliefs, these experiences - and you are not contained!

begin again
There comes a point when YOU are not longer in your thoughts, but watching and observing instead -- being both - separate, but inextricably woven together.

snow storms and death
We live in a culture that has fallen out of sync with the natural rhythm of life and death - a culture that fears it. We ignore it, push it to the side - acknowledge it for the sake of pragmatism, but we don't honor it.