The First Step:
Show Up for Yourself.
This is a creative, safe space open to the integral dimensions of growth - to the relationship of everything that has brought you to this point, the love and presence to show up for yourself! When we care about ourselves, we are nurtured into positive states of Well-being like peace, happiness, and love. Our system relaxes, and our outlook clarifies. And, from here, we can be with anything because we’re stepping forward from a deeper Source of Wisdom, the body of our Being.
Integral Coaching
Given our newfound understanding of ourselves after so much isolation, where do we go from here? How do we navigate this new reality and the uncertainties it brings? It can be easy to feel lost or unmotivated without direction or faith. So, what do we do with this knowledge and how do we move forward together?
Trust the Life Under Your Feet and Love Where It’s Taking You!
Because everything in life is an agent of change, holds within it the opportunity to see life with a gentler perspective, relaxed of any grip.
Are you ready to commit to the YOU that's so much more than you believe?
$150 per hour
Sliding Scale available.