the space between
…as i turned the corner into the next plateau, i came upon a temple held standing by four pillars whose answers rested on the beliefs of my mind, the science of the cosmos, the infinite love and compassion of my heart and the beauty of all things.
together, they formed a harmony that was carried through space by the wind.
we are human beings.
as human beings, we are the most curious of animals, continuously seeking to understand our experience – to give it meaning and to know why we are here and what this crazy life is all about; we want to taste it with our bodies and hold the answer with our minds.
and, we believe ourselves to be great, intelligent, beings. but, the truth is, when we are dependent on our mind – when we ignore the knowledge that is based on the experience of living – and, when we rely solely on the form and ignore the space between, we become quite weak.
why are we here?
the most accurate and universal reason is to ‘live’. our physical mapping tells us that this is the basic function of this organism and this reptilian, reactive, fear-based brain while our limbic brain reminds us that we’re also here to connect, to love and to motivate.
but, it’s our neocortex which facilitates integration, transformation, ascension and evolution. this is the space of union between the physiognomy of our organism and the infinite nature of consciousness – the union of the cosmic and the divine – of shakti and shiva.
what is the meaning of life?
there’s not one answer; there are many and all and no answers at all — it’s all so very personal and also, so very impersonal … a sort of soul science. much of it changes with experience, too – a veritable kaleidoscope of shifting beliefs, thoughts, emotions, sensations and images — there’s just not one way of experiencing anything. not sex, not thought, not emotion. nothing.
what’s important is that you’re paying attention to what’s going on around you – to what you value, to what brings you joy, to what makes sense and to what is absolute.
what’s important is that you’re present and deliberate in your life.
what are we?
beyond this biopsychic, metaphoric pithos, there’s a larger meaning – one that extends beyond the mind and body, one found in and around this container. space. nothing more, nothing less.
it doesn’t matter what you choose to call this space – spirit, prajna, atman, god, consciousness, awareness, isness, emptiness – when something is really understood, you don’t need any word for it … you know. it’s not intellectual, rather, it’s an intelligent relationship between mind, body and heart – a paradigm of ethos, pathos and logos simultaneously aligned with truth, consciousness and bliss.
and, as much as we love and celebrate the ability of language to carry the richness of our personal religion forward, we must also allow for the spontaneous filling of what is happening right here, right now, and not be separated by the personal detail of words.
so, pay attention. knowing yourself is the most important relationship in your life. this relationship is the relationship that is going to direct it all; it will form the container that holds your experience and the meaning that will define the choices all around you.
it is the intelligent integration of experience – a gnosis – and a comprehensive view which allows us to understand what it means to be alive.
it is the knowing that you are the space and your mind is the wind.