being spacious

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you are here because there’s something that you need
something that you seek – something that you want to know and understand
something that you’ve tasted before, but which feels blended away by time and memory
something that your heart aches for
something that feels so far from you but is so absolutely near

... something so beautiful.

deep down, you know what this is — this singular song
and how this moment feels so familiar.

when you’re in its fragrance, you don’t need to know the
way or why
any way is ok and why is unimportant.

you feel no fear because you know that there’s something here that will connect you with the trust, wisdom and courage needed to reclaim the treasures you left behind
to brave what lies ahead
to be whole once again.

this is an infinite journey amidst limitless space.
it’s still
and vast
and loving.

it’s not for another to take for it’s shared by all.
and when you’re here
no person, thought or belief can dissuade you from its absolute truth
no language can hold you back from experiencing it
no ego can possess it or degrade it
no emotion can obstruct the groundlessness of your pure being

for you are boundless



it arises from within and it is so very near.

breathe in deeply and remember…


the alchemist: potions & possessions


come together: the story of ‘we’