Coming Home…
What lies behind us, and what lies before us are but tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
~Henry David Thoreau
I share a prayer of Love and Light.
Prayers are those desires that are projected ahead. To give them potency, we must have known 'what' they desire and offer them to the world. If we possess them, they become personal goals for future growth, but if we allow them to land wherever they may, they will always find us, and we will grow in this moment.
This prayer is from A Course in Miracles and reads, “When I am healed, I am not healed alone. I would share my healing with a world that sickness may be banished from the mind of God’s one son who is my only Self.”
We know this God (the absence of identity called Love) and His son - that which is projected forward. And, in this knowing, we follow ... if God is the thought, then ‘son’ is the manifestation of that thought.
If we think thoughts of God (Love), then the manifestation of that thought of God, His son, will be loving -- this is 'when' we recognize this relationship as a principle of cause and effect, and 'how' we remember - “this is my only Self” - this is ‘who’ I have always been and will always be.
This is ‘who’ you have always been and will always be – the potential of Love.
There are fundamentally two approaches to this Course: those who take these principles and test them out - apply and practice by strengthening and stretching the attitudinal muscles and tendencies that allow them to recognize and return to Self – and those who don’t.
For those who don’t, all ends in blind certainty – I don’t believe in ‘this’ and my ‘lack’ of (in)action supports this belief - through the return of a false sense of identity – definitely something to defend!
However, for those that do practice, it is ‘certainly clear’ that who you really really are precedes any idea of who you are, and who you want to be.
And, so, if you’re feeling lost in life, it’s because you have paid too much attention to cultivating a past identity or have invested too much attention in the identity waiting for you in the future, and have lost contact with ‘what you really, really are’, a Holy reflection of this Love.
This Self has always been here - will always be here.
And it is our work - our job - to do, to remember, and to listen in ways that return us to ‘what we are’ - to ‘who' we have always been. It is not up to the world to carry us. It is not up to the world to amuse us or to show us ‘how’.
The responsibility of this society is to be a model – to inhabit the qualities of a loving, symbiotic relationship with the Earth – this extended family; and to recognize that the state of this external Family System- -- the thoughts, emotions, actions, and feelings that come together as the content of lifestreaming on demand - is a reflection of our Internal Family System.
This System is tasked:
to inhabit the behavior, and the morals, and the process that returns ‘right’ for the whole world.
to lead with the skills that nourish and replenish - those that teach us how to ‘teach ourselves how to learn’.
to be able to respond as the Son of God - to reap and to receive the value of this eternal identity, and respond to the world as a reflection of Self Love.
to ‘let go’ of this idea of separateness so that we can be reborn every moment.
You've heard these ideas before - through various arteries of religious and ideational systems, organizations, and institutions, but it is not for these systems to tell you what to expect; nor do they hold any power over your capacity to find courage in the face of fear or bravery in the cause of this humility.
It is your job - our job - to dismantle any judgment blocking us from an answer that is shared, one which has been known for thousands and thousands of years – this Love known by many names, which precedes the ‘idea’ of who we think we are.
Every moment we are reborn; with every breath, we die and are reborn.
That's all there is. It's not so mystical. The only mystery is what happens ‘beyond here’. And if we spend our whole time on Earth trying to be certain about what happens ‘beyond here’, aren't we just missing the mark - that which we need in order to receive the answer which is only available at this moment?
This reminds me of the movie Prometheus.
In the movie, a ship was traveling to another planet, for the purpose of saving the Earth. Turns out this mission was funded by a private donor - some, Trillionaire Bezos/Gates stowaway named Weyland that had funded the mission for his own purpose:
… to track down the engineers of our existence in order to have his life extended.
Well, just when the being called the Engineer is released from stasis, we recognize by the music that it is not going to fare well (that this idea that he had about some benevolent father was just an idea).
It was just a story that had been woven together out of fear. And he was so far from the truth!
Wayland had traveled across the galaxy to avoid dying and found out that there was nothing on the other side - that the 'mystery of man' is still intact. And in his willingness to lie for his own purpose, missed the mark - he did not think this through - who had preceded the Engineers?
It is a question that will lead us far from home.
And, so, this is where we come from - from these humble beginnings where we couldn't express what we were feeling -- this swaying, swirling content of passion and emotion that rocks between breaths ...
...pure potential. Holy.
When Life Washes Over You
"I was helpless as I watched my father's clawed, shaking hands – troubled by the words that dispelled any belief in miracles. Gravity and grief had pulled him down into the riverbed - a heavy stone. All I could do to grace his healing was to flow over and around him." ~a
It’s hard to believe a year has passed since my mother’s death. I miss her terribly, but also have come to accept that I had no control over the path of her Soul – she chose it long before I was born.
And so, what is left is the memory of her holiness –the many ways she is hidden within me and the ways forgiveness reveals her. It seems that it’s always when I’m caught in some idea of what life is supposed to be like that I forget; and it seems that when I see the same of my dad, that I am reminded.
You can hold anything with Love – this pain, this suffering, this thought that wants to hold back time. But we must be willing to accept without judgment, allow without deceit, and flow without fear to see it.
Be gentle.