Let “Love Become our Legacy.”
I see human kindness everywhere I look,
and I see human darkness everywhere I look.
However, I don't seek to see only kindness.
I seek to be kind to myself - strengthening the skills of presence and resilience - of attention and concentration - so I "might" respond to the fundamental needs of this body and system – loyal to the whole.
This intention returns what I need (to be seen and heard) and shares it in Kind - "I see you and I hear you".
I don't seek to see only darkness.
However, I do seek to ease into the dark places in ways that are dignified and faithful - humble and honest - those that allow the Light of Grace (unobstructed by judgment and identity) to "right" the values that are shared – confiding in the eternal.
This action follows and allows what I am (SelfLove) and reflects it in Kind - we arrive as Ambassadors of Justice.
This 'Kind' becomes my world - arrives through the words I speak and the efforts I make (and the beliefs they intend to benefit) - calls others that speak my "Kind" near - becomes a bond of our Kinship (this shared Source and inherent goodness) and meets me in the future.
This is mercy:
compassion, forgiveness, and atonement actioned from the ground of our truest, deepest nature, in the service of Love!
Singing joyfully, "Come! Rest in our legacy!"
Rest not as a goal that lies somewhere in the future, but as an expansion of the intention to be whole with whatever ‘is’ here right now –
to see and hear the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly – to be Holy - to stop searching in the future for proof and to stop pillaging through the past for clues – to allow it all to confluence - to merge with Source and Resource which Lead in Love,
... this day when I AM the kindness that I seek.
Do you Walk in Peace?
We weren't born walking in this world gracefully, however, we were born to rise!
We're all just noticing what it's like to pass through the threshold of a whole new world - birthed by forces outside our control, feeling great resistance against a backdrop of infinite potential!
It's asking us to feel - to sense the ground we walk on - to see the world around us deeply and widely - to commune with the choices that reveal what kind of friend we've been to ourselves and to this earth, our temporary home ... "to be aware," as Thich Nhat Hahn reminded, "of the contact between your feet and the earth."
Just recently I was tasked to locate this ground during a difficult time with a friend.
Those who know me well, know that my intentions and actions 'tend' to seek harmony on all levels - and, so the conflict startled this equanimity, was challenged by this tendency.
Well, after just about as much confusion and internal defense as I could stand, I came to recognize the divine opportunity to resist defense and, instead, to allow and hold space for the voices inside, to meet my friend's feelings with honesty and humility.
I was kind to myself and let kindness lead my next step.
Kindness comes from within.
There are so many immeasurable yet powerful ways that we kiss the earth and hold each other, the way kindness opens a portal through a smile, a gesture, a wish, an intention, a prayer.
It's not an emotion, not a reason, not a condition.
It's our birthright!
It rose through our feet when we first began to walk - held us no matter how many times we fell - and it rises again as we return, humbly, to walk for the first time with new understanding, new faith, new destination, new potential ... to see clearly:
I affect my world by how I treat myself. How I treat myself is how the world treats me. Therefore, I will treat myself kindly, be honest and humble, responsive and responsible to my needs and values; and I know, that by the undeniable law of cause and effect, what I give myself will be returned to me.
It may not look the way I imagined, or the way it looks to others, but it will feel the same and it is that same feeling that we share that reminds us of the legacy we are tasked to fulfill.
This feeling is love (allows our lives to look different), happiness (allows joy to be heard), freedom (allows the possibility to ring), and peace (allows our shared Source to reach us).
And when we can meet here, noticing the way the earth holds us, and how with attention and affection we can hold our needs, then the rest begins to happen - ripples out into the world - and life begins to feel the way we always imagined.
And this is 'when' we can change the conditions that hold us down - those that are unfair, unjust, and not 'right'.
Every experience possesses this magic - the potential might of taking responsibility for my feelings and my world and the unconditional love that can rightfully empower this relationship to grow as a whole -- this friendship of wisdom and faith called mercy.
Are you ready to walk in Peace?
In what ways do you give the world agency and in what ways is it returned?
What does a loving and just world look like? ... feel like? ... sound like?
In what ways is the world primed for your contribution to collective wellbeing?
What beliefs, habits, or abilities might be limiting you from merging into a kind and abundant world?
What actions/words contradict what you envision as a "right "world?