Relaxing into Your True Nature.
"I opened two gifts this morning. They were my eyes." ~ ZigZiglar
When your Soul signed up to this class called life, it made a commitment with the Universe to conduct itself in a 'certain way' - to follow 'certain' rules - and to 'abide' by its grading system ... in 'how' life will feel and look when we began to measure that which we are.
But, but also Soul took a vow to awaken and Ego made the commitment to support this Purpose.
Ego wants to be so useful and wants to help you find your way - it is unaware that the way appears as we walk out the way.
When Ego "wants" it is (w)illing to promote thoughts that move it toward "ant" (the impersonal agency of Soul - S"oul" abounding in the service of Self - aka, Purpose.
If we could only find a way to help the ego to relax, we could do so.
How do we do that? ...
Click to LISTEN HERE to find out How ...
"From the soul’s point of view, you come to appreciate that each one of us is living out his or her own karma. We interact together, and those interactions are the grist for each other’s mill of awakening. From a personality point of view, you develop judgment, but from the soul’s point of view, you develop appreciation.
This shift from judging to appreciating — to appreciating yourself and what your karmic predicament is, and who other beings are with their own karma — brings everything into a simple loving awareness. To be free means to open your heart and your being to the fullness of who you are because only when you are resting in the place of unity can you truly honor and appreciate others and the incredible diversity of the universe. "
What does it mean to rest in The Holy Instant?
This is a tender time of year for many - for me, it marks the beginning of my mother's intense decline and death and it holds the potential for great transformation.
Still, as I take the time to notice the leaves falling - as I listen to the sound of their surrender - as I remember that all that they were and still are will cultivate the soil for new blooms - and as I understand rest is near - I recognize that I am OK.
I'm better than OK, I am whole, Holy!
Don't get me wrong, this limited mind and its set of preferences are hellbent on making certain memories an endless loop of certainty - at least I can count on the Truth of this Heartbreak!
When we can recognize this limitation with Love - accepting that we can "do" nothing to change anything in the past, we are allowed (to receive 'all' owed); we behold through the Love that "I need do nothing to change this experience."
This is when the Light of the Holy Instant moves through us. When we begin to investigate our false beliefs.
For example, how did you feel while reading this? Did you feel any constriction on the image, in the language? What memories did it inspire? Who is the Inner Critic Protecting? Your True Self or your false self - the one you are working hard to prove? What do you hear when you are a loving witness to these grievances?
When we dismantle all the should have's.
What are the conditions and untruths that keep you that have kept you from this Light all this time, we begin to remember our True identity.
I will be happy when .....
With all these veils lifted, with all these beliefs dusted off, we remember we are Happiness and each experience holds the potential to connect with the essence of our True Nature.
When we atone.
We do our Soul's work by 'being' this True Identity. We recognize that I am not this body or these memories or this sorrow, ... I am the potential of this thought, "I am."
There is nothing that we need to 'do' to atone. We do not need to "have thoughts that are unpure," rather, it is "that you have none you want to keep."
Simply arriving with the intention to see clearly is enough to begin to notice the thoughts that tempt you into believing that you are separate and not whole.
What is calling to you? What needs your attention? What needs healing?