i saw the light

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"as you start to walk out on the way, the way appears." ~rumi

one day, suddenly and without warning, i realized something wasn't as it appeared - everything that i thought was true and everything that i had searched for, was here all along. and, once i began to view my life through this comprehensive window - to live it with this vital knowledge - i remembered what it was to truly be alive.

what i experienced was spiritual awakening - a glimpse into our true nature - the lightness of being.

if i could describe it, i would say that it is was a profound shift in perspective - from what i believed to what i knew - in my gut and through something that i didn't have to prove. and it offered me a life that was less painful, less effortful, synchronous and kind. 

... not that life is without effort, but it no longer feels unattainably hard; pain and emotion are included, but, there's an ability to be with it in a way that was not readily available before - an enduring steadiness. one rises from the other.
i trust this steadiness ... with feet on the ground, reconnecting to a body forgotten by misunderstanding and atoned with divine oneness.

do you know steadiness?

steadiness has always been with you - it's the arrow pointing - "this way!" that rises in a moment of confusion.  the proof is in the pudding ... answer the following questions and let them point the way:

  • when was the last time you felt alive? what was happening? who was around and how did you feel?

  • what are the qualities that support your own internal compass of enduring steadiness? emotionally, financially, relationally? 

  • how does the reality of how life feels reflect how you want it to be?

need support, click here!

"Above all else, I want to see." ~A Course in Miracles

To see through rather than with the eye is to see life without judgment.

Letting go of preconceived notions and beliefs and biases, and opening our lens of understanding to include all experience as integral to growth, replenishes our mind, body and spirit and brings us into alignment with absolute reality. 

When this happens internally, it resonates collectively ... imagine that!


the habits of happy, awakened people


ugh! anxiety, again!