Courageous Thoughts Trying to Believe. In Pursuit of Conscious Living.
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.”― Alice Walker
Thought identification, ideologies, identities, beliefs, dogma, and doctrine (religious and political, institutional and organizational), all carry within them the potential for addiction and disease when they do not come with an honorable motive and when they do not honor the Cosmic and Divine Codes of Life:
that all objects are relative and are, therefore, subject to the laws of that relativity, and those conditions.
and, that there is no separation between what we do and how we feel and how we affect each other because there is no division between what we are.
Now, these effects may not be visible by natural science, but they exist, nonetheless within the underlying reality and (e)motion of thoughts whose actions (be)come full circle and affect this present experience in ways that re-sound the frequency and essence of that feeling - vibrate love or fear.
To end addiction to subversive, conflicted, or misguided thoughts - we must first become aware of the (s)urging desire and “high” we get when we judge, deny, diffuse, blame, or make meaning “of” what is happening; and to pause and notice the urge without trying to stop it or judge it or fix it - to then notice the relationship between the itch and the urge to scratch the itch (why you may want to say what you are about to say), and the waning of surge (the rising need to be validated, seen, heard, powerful or right) as we unveil the motive behind the itch (fearful feelings of unworthiness, loneliness and not appreciated).
We become aware by noticing how we feel - become aware of the part we play in that feeling, not in the judgment of “what” happened “to” us, but in “how” we keep those feelings alive and in “why” we live them over and over again — why we are bound in shame and guilt when we dare to challenge them.
Without awareness, our thoughts become agitated, irritated, are sinful - worship the objects(or objectives) of pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust - and they keep us stuck in one cycle or mission or perception and create behaviors that scratch that itch to “save” or “stave” discomfort which, in turn kills our spirit.
We pray for the salvation of others instead of saving ourselves.
When we worship ideas, we are in favor of unhealthy (impure and separate) identities which cultivate unhealthy emotions like bitterness, blame, loneliness, hatred, separation, and greed - and, which call upon states of fear that become wrathful and war upon the world - groups, races, religions genders, classes - or even inflict this force upon themselves.
This is what we are bearing witness “to” in the world - the unbridled, fearful and unholy desire to hurt the one(s) we hold responsible for our pain and suffering.
However, if our thoughts and feelings, and attention were devoted to presence, our behaviors would reflect the truth of our emotions, become conscious and compassionate advocates for change. We would inspire harmony, peace, and unity in the world through this Self.
This shift is intuitive, has no process, nothing to “do” on the inside, only a longing to open - to Be True, conscious, and loving. The process is external, apparent in the ways we act out what we have been taught and learned.
This is when we can see how we have been sleep-walking, numbing, excusing our behavior, and disabling our living spirit from its purpose: to awaken embodied in this life, to live in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth;
… to allow a crack in the idea of what you believe to be “right” or “wrong” to be filled with the light of awareness.
Let’s not delay our love and care by following the harmful thoughts of a mind lost from its home, or the wrathful messages of false gods, the unloving purpose of prophets, interpretations of shadow gurus, and the like.
Without devotion to awareness, it’s easy to look outside, start to work on ourselves - to engage with ideologies professing to be in the service of Self-improvement or baited with messages of Love and Peace… it’s easy to be lulled into a false sense of social security - to be deserving and complacent, and believe that these interpretations are true and in the service of your freedom — that your value has precedence over another’s free will.
We must be wary of thoughts that create moral conditions placed on human life that take away one’s personal sense of power and privacy and path - when we are interfering in the liberties of others on behalf of salvation.
We don’t need to get caught up in analysis, or in the sweeping brushstrokes of judgment, or in the ways we have been conditioned to inform upon each other (See Invasion of the Body Snatchers) - to call each other names, to judge and shame each other based on an idea that has strayed so far from the very reason it was inspired — to speak the truth, to be responsible to this life, and to protect the unalienable rights and sanctity of all human beings born unto this Earth.
We must attend to our thoughts and to what these thoughts believe and what emotions those beliefs draw near.
It is our personal responsibility to challenge dogma and doctrine and our own thoughts whose meaning is interpreted by and in favor of collective ignorance, personal greed, and delusional ideations.
No human being has any more right or blessing to be alive than another.
No group of humans has been chosen or preferred in the light of God (Cosmic and divine Codification called Love). No one has in them anything that needs to be transmitted or avowed to another. No one arrives more special.
We are here, simply, to live together. To be the Peace and Love from which we come and recognize this Peace and Love in another.